
Showing posts with the label Organic Fertilization of the Soil (Fertilización organica del suelo)

Organic Products and Soil Improvers to Nurture Plant Growth

There is no doubt that Organic Products And Soil Improvers ( Productos Orgánicos Y Mejoradores De Suelos ) offer so many benefits to the plants including Improved soil structure, a season-long supply of nutrients, and an increased water-holding capacity. Well, these are just some of the benefits of using organic fertilizers. In sustainable agriculture, organic-based fertilizers benefit growers, farmers, consumers, and the environment in many ways. As empirically demonstrated, organic-based fertilizers help to: 1. It helps boost both organic matter content and nutrient efficiency in the soil. 2. Nurture the soil with organic matter that reduces dependency on chemical inputs. 3. Maintain and restores soil fertility to nurture plant growth. 4. Improve the biological activity and biodiversity of soils. 5. Better the quality attributes of produce as well as yield. 6. Enhance the efficiency of nutrient use in order to produce more robust crops. 7. Facilitate

Pure Organic Products and Soil Improvers (Productos orgánicos y Mejoradores de suelos)

Improve soil properties fertility, and optimization of the water balance with Organic Products and Soil Improvers ( Productos orgánicos yMejoradores de suelos ). Fitochem offer nutrient-rich and OMRI-certified organic products that can greatly benefit agriculture in an environmentally friendly manner. So, if you want to purchase these products at a reliable cost, contact Fitochem.

Using Organic Fertilizers Is Beneficial For Increasing Crop Productivity. How?

Soil rarely has sufficient nutrients for crops to sustain its growth and optimize yields. Thus, applying different Organic Fertilization of the Soil ( Fertilización orgánica del suelo ) is a good idea to improve soil fertility and increase crop production while minimizing the environmental impact. However, it is also important to use fertilizers in the right quantity; with the low application, the yield gets declined whereas an excessive application might pollute the ecosystem. Therefore, having good knowledge of soil quality and properties of organic fertilizers is crucial to supply plants with enough nutrients to achieve optimum productivity. Using organic-based fertilizers is beneficial for everyone- be it farmers, growers, consumers, or the environment. Here, we have compiled some advantages of using this type of fertilizer. Let’s have a look- ●      Organic fertilizers are made using plants and animal waste. The organic matters present in it helps in improving the