What Is Fulvic Acid And Its Effects On Plants And Soil?
Fulvic Acids are organic compounds that are present in soil and water. Fulvic acid is like an organic fertilizer for soil fertility in Mexico ( orgánico para la fertilidad del suelo en méxico ) . It consists of different components such as nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon. It is one of the humic substances generally obtained from humic soil in forests. Fulvic acid has an open carbon structure that is a lightweight molecule with almost miraculous properties. These are considered complex acids that cannot be synthesized in labs. Plants & Fulvic Acid There are a number of benefits of fulvic acid for plants ( beneficios del ácido fúlvico para las plantas ) . It plays a crucial role in plant health by transferring nutrients to plants from the soil. It also helps in increasing plant strength and improving absorption by plants in using the nutrients by plants. The use of higher quality humic and fulvic acid can help in maximizing the effects of nutrient benefits. ...