Need for Active Organic Matter and Nutrients for Plants and Crops

We all know that healthy soil is the foundation of the food system. Healthy soil is responsible to produce healthy crops and plants. It becomes essential to maintain the health of the soil. Considering the current environmental changes, the changes have impacted the quality of the soil too. If the soil, naturally, cannot fulfill the required need for the plants and crops to grow, it is necessary to consider utilizing active organic matter for plants (Materia organica para plantas) and crops. Let us discuss this.

Organic matter and minerals are two major natural sources that healthy soil contains. And these two major sources are the channel by which plants obtain nutrients to grow. Organic matter includes material that returns to the soil and goes through the decomposition process. It is also responsible to bind the soil particles into aggregates. This is return improves the water holding capacity of the soil. Despite the quantity of organic matter, as in most soils, the percentage of organic matter is 2 to 10%, natural or organic nutrition for plants (Nutriciónnatural u orgánica para las plantas) is very important. It not only improves the structure of the soil and its quality, but it also helps microbes to thrive. Plus, active organic matter and nutrients ensure to increase the species biodiversity more as compared with synthetic fertilizer. These products are environmentally friendly and reduce the need for fertilizers and pesticides.

Now you are well aware of the benefits of the organic nutrition to agricultural soil and in the growth of plants. If you are looking forward to buy products like organic extract for plants (Extracto organico para plantas), nutrients, and other products like fulvic acid, then you must choose Fitochem. They provide quality organic products, supported by scientific studies. You can access their official website to gather information. For more information, visit


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